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Located along the spine are seven energy distribution centers called chakras.

ROOT---Located above pubic bone. Regulates apana vayu...kidneys and adrenals Determines stamina, vitality, resolve and grounding. Controls hips. legs and feet. COLOR...RED / SOUND...LAM / ELEMENT... EARTH / SENSE...SMELL / PLANET...PLUTO / MARS

HARA...located below umbilical cord. Regulates apana vayu..reproductive organs and intestines. Determines feelings, intimate relations and creative energy. COLOR..ORANGE / SOUND...VAM / ELEMENT...WATER / SENSE...TASTE / PLANET...SUN

GUT...Located above umbilical cord. Regulates samana vayu...pancreas, spleen, liver,stomach,.gallbladder. Determines personal power and awareness COLOR...YELLOW / SOUND...RAM / ELEMENT...FIRE / SENSE...SIGHT / PLANET....SATURN

HEART...Located at indentation in breastbone. Regulates prana vayu...ciculatory system and thymus gland. Determines spirituality, joy, compassion,forgiveness, self-esteem COLOR...GREEN / SOUND...YAM / ELEMENT...AIR / SENSE...TOUCH / PLANET...MOON / VENUS

THROAT...Located at indentation in collarbone. Regulates udana vayu...lungs, thyroid gland...speech...logic and all left brain activ/ity. COLOR...SKY BLUE / SOUND...HAM / ELEMENT...ETHER / SENSE...SIGHT / PLANET...URANUS

INTUITIVE...Located between eyebrows. Regulates vyana vayu...parathyroid gland and nervous system. Determines insight, wisdom and all right brain activities. COLOR...INDIGO / SOUND...OM / ELEMENT...LIGHT / SENSE ...6TH SENSE / PLANET....JUPITER

CROWN....Located at indentation on top of head. Regulates all vayus .. pineal gland. Determines peace of mind and connection to the great One Source or Divine Will. COLOR...WHITE / SOUND...SOHAM / ( NO SENSE OR ELEMEN T) / PLANET...TRANSPLUTO

Discover how energic balance rules the emotions (yin) and attitudes(yang) thru the 12 vital organs. How to read energic conditions of lungs, heart, stomach and other organs. To learn more attend the Chakra Workshop chakra workshop.

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